Friday, 26 August 2011

The stuff of dreams

With autumn approaching, preparations for the publication of 15 Days Without A Head are picking up momentum. I received a very strokeable embossed cover proof in the post last week.

Check out the emboss on this!

A lot of work went into the cover and I'm really pleased with the way it looks. I have to admit though, that the part that gets me grinning every time is the quote from Keith Gray – one of my all time writing heroes.

Keith's novel Creepers was one of the books that inspired me to write, and to receive such a great recommendation on the front of my debut is truly the stuff of dreams!

In addition to the cover artwork, I also received a bulging envelope full of 15 Days uncorrected bound proofs with special limited edition lemon yellow covers. The final version will look slightly different inside and have the red and blue cover, but it was great seeing a stack of 15 Days Without A Head in book form.

15 Days Without A Head  (Citric Lemon Limited Edition)

The proofs went out to readers at the start of the week and I'm delighted to say that the response I've had so far has been fantastic, including this one from 14-year-old, Rewan Harper, who read the book within a day of receiving his copy!

"This book is truly awesome! It has everything a good book needs. It is funny and witty, but with a serious edge giving the novel another layer. Excellently done!"

And this from Josh Bouvier, who is 12:

"This book is immense, 10/10. I could see everything happening in my head as I read. I really felt for Laurence and couldn't stop myself from thinking of ways to help him out. I didn't want it to stop and now I want another 15 days."

So, quite a good week, all things considered!

Friday, 12 August 2011

A word from the attic

I've been locked away in the attic for the past couple of weeks, surviving on a diet of tea and shortbread – which keeps me typing, but may mean I have to enlarge the hatch in order to get out again. I'm busy working on my new book for OUP and really enjoying getting back into full-on storytelling mode. I always find first drafts precarious but exciting, especially when characters and events start to take over as I write.

Things have also been happening over at The Edge, with three new books coming out in the past two months, plus a whole host of interviews and features. It was my turn to write the Edge blog post this week – it's about comics and reading, and includes a great Calvin and Hobbes story – have a look if you get the chance.

Cheers for now and happy reading!